This time last year the Wingham show was cancelled
so I entered a few items into the Taree show at the end of the yearI also entered 4 items into this years Wingham Show
I won first and second prize in the baby shawl section
and second prize in the lap blanket section.
Most of the baby items are usually white or pastels,
But I like to make items that are a bit different.
The Second prize baby shawl was a pattern by
Frank O'Randle called mini rings of change
In my favourite yarn Magic Light by Ice Yarn #22034
My mum likes it better than my first prize shawl.

For the first time I entered into the baby knitted set of three section
Also using my favourite yarn I used in the shawl above
The pattern is called Aussie Swing by Aussie Maria
The hat is a bernat pattern available here
It didn't win a prize but that's ok I enjoyed making it.

The first prize baby shawl is another Frank O'Randle pattern
Called Mini Galaxy of change made from scraps in my stash
Last but not least is the second prize lap blanket
It is a pattern by Joyce Lewis called Simple 10-petal afghan square
I used the scraps left over from the blanket
I entered into Taree show last year that won first prize
It is similar but quite different too
I used quite a different method to create this,
I will blog the details in my next post
Congratulations Jane. Thouroughly deserved. So thrilled and happy for you.